Delivering Christmas cheer with blessing boxes

This Christmas, our dedicated volunteers have delivered over 500 blessing boxes to socially isolated individuals across Lancashire. This initiative is a heartfelt reminder that they are not alone and that we are thinking of them.

This festive season, our incredible volunteers have been working tirelessly to spread holiday cheer by delivering blessing boxes to over 500 socially isolated people throughout Lancashire. Each box is filled with thoughtful items to brighten their Christmas and remind them that they are not alone. These deliveries are more than just a seasonal gesture—they are a vital part of our commitment to supporting those who may feel isolated or alone during the holidays. By reaching out with these blessing boxes, we hope to provide comfort and a sense of community to those in need. We extend a special thank you to all our volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to this meaningful project. Your contributions are deeply appreciated and play a crucial role in ensuring that our community members feel valued and supported. As we continue our work, we remain committed to making a positive impact and fostering a sense of connection throughout the year.