Elmfield Hall garden party celebrates community spirit and volunteers

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended our annual garden party, with special thanks to our volunteers and Brsk for their support.

Community Solutions North West would like to extend a warm thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual garden party. This cherished event is a highlight of our year, allowing us to celebrate and appreciate the incredible contributions of our participants and volunteers. We are especially grateful to our dedicated volunteers, whose efforts and commitment make a significant impact on our work. A special shoutout goes to Brsk for their generous support, which helped make this year's garden party a memorable occasion. The garden party is more than just a celebration; it’s an opportunity for us to come together, enjoy each other's company, and reflect on the achievements of the past year. We are thankful for the continued support from everyone involved, and we look forward to more successful events in the future. For more information about Community Solutions North West and how you can get involved, please visit csnw.co.uk, email info@csnw.co.uk, or call 01254 460080.