The Cardboard Box Company joins as patron strengthening community ties

June 8, 2021

Community Solutions North West is excited to welcome The Cardboard Box Company as their fourth patron. This partnership will enhance support for community projects, aiding vulnerable individuals across East Lancashire.

Community Solutions North West proudly announces the addition of The Cardboard Box Company as their newest patron. The Clayton-based company joins the patron scheme alongside NORI HR and Employment Law, Liz Pollard from Bold Moves Coach, and WHN Solicitors, who have been part of the initiative since its inception in late 2019. Deborah Clark, CEO of Community Solutions, expressed her gratitude: “We are thrilled to have The Cardboard Box Company as one of our official patrons. Since 2019, they have been a generous supporter, donating items for our summer fair, providing boxes and promotional materials for our hospital visiting service 'Visit Me,' and contributing to our welfare and Christmas campaigns. Their support has been invaluable, helping us reach over 500 households with essential items and wellbeing packs. We deeply appreciate their commitment and effort, especially during such challenging times.” Ken Shackleton of The Cardboard Box Company reflected on their involvement: “We first connected with Community Solutions at a local networking event. Learning about their work in the area inspired us to get involved. As a successful local business, we feel it's important to support our community, and it's a privilege to contribute to their impactful work.” Tom Penman, Graphics Manager at The Cardboard Box Company, added: “It's rewarding to work on projects that make a significant difference. While we handle various design projects, knowing our efforts help others adds a special sense of fulfillment for our team.” Community Solutions North West launched their patron scheme in 2019 to engage businesses in supporting their mission of improving lives in East Lancashire, particularly for those who are lonely, socially isolated, or in crisis. The charity offers a wide range of services, including befriending and mentoring, crisis support, employability programs, and therapeutic interventions such as counseling and bereavement support. Over the past decade, they have supported over 40,000 people and their families, with 2020 presenting unprecedented challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic. Leanne Taylor, Enterprise Development Manager, emphasized the value of the patron program: “We are actively seeking new patrons to support us in the coming years. Our patrons contribute in various ways, including volunteering, donating services, or fundraising. This partnership not only aids our community efforts but also helps patrons engage with other local businesses and organizations. Becoming a patron is a fantastic way to give back to the community and can significantly enhance employee engagement.” For more information about becoming a patron or to discuss supporting Community Solutions North West, please email or call Leanne Taylor at 01254 460080.