Partner with us

Colloborate for lasting impact

Partner with us to create lasting impact and foster community growth through joint efforts. Together, we can achieve more and transform lives.

Support and contribute

Ways to provide essential support through sponsorship, donations, and other contributions.

Organisations can sponsor our charity’s events, providing crucial financial support that ensures their success. Sponsors gain valuable exposure and recognition, highlighting their commitment to social responsibility and our cause.

Event sponsorship

Choosing us as a "Charity of the Year" partner allows businesses to offer consistent support and collaboration throughout the year. This long-term commitment enhances the company’s community engagement and provides sustained resources for our services.

Charity of the year

This category includes contributions of goods, professional services, and direct financial support. Whether providing essential items, expertise, or monetary donations, these gifts are vital in reducing operational costs and funding our initiatives.

Donations and contributions

Engage and volunteer

Opportunities for hands-on involvement and collaborative initiatives that make a difference.

Engage your employees in corporate volunteering opportunities with our charity. This partnership allows teams to contribute their time and skills, fostering a sense of community and teamwork while making a tangible difference in our projects.

Corporate volunteering

Join or host fundraising events like charity runs, auctions, or galas. These events are an excellent way to mobilise support, raise funds, and increase awareness of our work, engaging both your network and ours.

Fundraising events

Partner with us on cause marketing initiatives and advocacy campaigns. These collaborations can involve co-branded products, special promotions, or shared awareness efforts, enhancing visibility for both partners and supporting our mission.

Marketing campaigns

Meet our patrons

Community Solutions wouldn’t be possible without the help of our amazing patrons.

“I’m extremely proud to be a patron for CSNW. Community is one of my values. It’s a privilege to be able to support CSNW and to give something back to the local area.”
"Their work in combating social isolation and mental health issues is close to our hearts and should be central to every community."
I was in a bad place when I first came to Community Solutions, now I am looking forward to the future because of CSNW.

Empower your impact

Together, we can amplify your company's influence while making a real difference in the lives of those we serve.

Make a social impact

Partner with us to make a tangible difference in the community through meaningful social initiatives.

Build a better workforce

Collaborate with us to develop a skilled and motivated workforce through our tailored employment support services.

Give something back

Join forces with us to contribute to charitable causes and give back to those in need.

Positive PR

Enhance your brand's reputation through positive public relations and community engagement initiatives.

Start a partnership

Join forces with us to create a bigger impact. Learn how your business can benefit from a partnership with Community Solutions and drive meaningful change.

Support our mission

Partner with us in making a positive impact. Your donation helps sustain our vital services and support the community. Every contribution counts.